Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Microsoft: "You can make money from VoIP rates"

Software giant Microsoft said that the businesses and organizations switching to VoIP can help airlines earn more "billions of U.S. dollars" sales each year.

Trends switching to Internet telephony will accelerate in the next 3 years, and new VoIP server software from Microsoft will "contribute to changing the face of telecommunications industry, like the way the Windows operating system has changing computer industry, "said Jeff Raikes, president of Microsoft Business Division said.

"We will see historical repetition," said Raikes spoke before the audience attending VoiceCon Spring 2007.

In fact, business strategy is completely different from Microsoft VoIP with Cisco Systems. While Cisco offer the complete integrated system (the full network device + software separately), then Microsoft rely on the "distribution" of the computer industry, where software central role .

Last year, Microsoft and Nortel have signed important cooperation agreements on VoIP. According to Raikes, VoIP software market will grow to a global turnover of 35-40 billion dollars in the future, and Microsoft to constitute a part of that pie.

Office of the heart

Currently, the number of business VoIP technology applications are increasing, mainly to save costs. Yankee Group estimates that operates up to 82% of U.S. companies currently use VoIP system. Cisco, Microsoft and Avaya are the three major competitors in the enterprise VoIP market, Skype is still holding throne unique position of civil VoIP market.

Raikes predicted that the cost of installing a VoIP phone system will reduce to 50% within three years, and this stimulates the business sector as to acquire this technology faster.

Microsoft's VoIP strategy, the Office business software role as a heart. It will open up a communication net nhuat environment where employees can be "moved" between email, IM chat, phone and Web phone wireless seamlessly, quickly, simply.

Microsoft predicted that over 100 million business users (large scale than the current market) will make VoIP calls through software Office for 3 years. The airline plans to provide a demo of Office Communications (ie the best platform office software, servers and information) at the end of this month.

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