Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Predictions: VoIP Trends in 2010

By all accounts, 2010 should be a banner year for IP Communications and VoIP in general. A recent report we wrote about saw VoIP as the 'industry of the decade' and then went on to project VoIP as the industry that will see the most growth over the next decade!

With the economy still on shaky ground VoIP will most likely continue its slow and steady growth seen at the end of the decade with companies realizing the cost savings of the technology and looking for ways to invest in upgrades. Upstart technologies like Internet voice and mobile VoIP will be at the mercy of the Net Neutrality rulings while Videoconferencing will probably continue to see growth in line with rising energy costs and the demands to make working cheaper for companies and employees.

Read more: http://www.fiercevoip.com/special-reports/predictions-voip-trends-2010#ixzz0d1J1Bpgd

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